Ali Abd-El-Zaher is a member of an Isalmic radical group which has been launching attacks against the government and the society under the orders of the spiritual leader Brother Saif. Ali manages to assasinate an officer but as he escapes from the authorities he gets hit by a car driven by...
هالو أمريكا هو فيلم كوميدي مصريالإنتاج 1999 وهو الجزء الثالث من بخيت وعديلة بطولة عادل أمام، شيرين، إيناس مكي، أسامة عباس، إنتاج : مصر للتوزيع، تأليف : لينين الرملي...
Al-Wad Mahroos be3 el wazir was released in 1999, and it can be fairly considered as one of the best Adel imam films . Adel imam in this film fight with corruption and he start blackmailing high graduated government people being one of them and reviling their secrets .
Amal élève son frère (Nasr) après la mort de son père et de son mari lors de l'un des raids israéliens sur Suez en 1967. Nasr grandit et rejoint les services de renseignements égyptiens. Ce dernier se rend en Grèce pour obtenir un microfilm important mais se fait kidnapper après avoir...